Saturday, October 16, 2010

WEIGHT WATCHER finish line is in sight...

I weighed in today and was pleased to see another 1.6 loss. I've been going along and going along and the running has become so much the focus, that I rarely even mention my weight loss goals here anymore. This month will mark my three years of attending weight watcher meetings faithfully. In all of three years, I've maybe have missed 5 meetings - and those missed meetings have happened because I've been physically out of the state. Otherwise, no matter what, no matter how bad a week I might've had - I'm there.

This has been a good weight watcher week, if you read my facebook status' then you already know my grocery store story - but I'm going to tell it again because it was significant for me.

This past week I was shopping and a woman approached to ask if I had experience with a particular product - she was doing weight watchers.  I said, "no but what a coincidence, I'm doing weight watchers too." She made a face and said, "why would you be on weight watchers - you're so skinny!" I explained that I was down 75 pounds and she didn't believe me... blah, blah blah.  PS: For the record, as of today I am down 77 pounds, thank you very much! ;)

But no one has ever called me skinny before - so, that was exciting. But even more significant is, when I was 236 pounds there was no finish line in sight - no way could I imagine being called skinny or even "just  chubby" - no way could I imagine being only pounds away from my goal weight. And now, here was this outside person shining a light on just how far I've come - the progress I've fought for.

It's kind of the same as when I started on this running thing. When I was out of breath after "running" for 1 minute at 3.8 speed - there was no way I thought I'd ever cross a finish line and do a half marathon... but alas, if you hang in there, if you keep getting up and trying, if you persevere and persist you can get there.

A fellow running blogger, has this John Bingham quote in her header: "First or last, it's the same finish line." It's true.  It's taken me a long Weight Watcher journey to get this close to the finish line and even if it takes another 3 years to get there -- it's still going to be the same finish line and it still is going to be a sweet victory.



Unknown said...

Sniff, sniff... This is really inspirational Jen.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Ang XO

Julie @ HotlegsRunner said...

You are such an inspiration Jen!

And yes, I love that quote. I think it's on Lesley blog =)

Unknown said...

thanks, Julie - yep, it is Leslie's "Racing It Off" site...

Anonymous said...

;-) There's a reason I picked that quote for my blog... glad that I'm not the only one that identifies with it... congratulations on your weight loss and journey!!! Amazing.

Speaking of which it's time for ME to buckle down and lose this last 15 pounds. Must. Eat. Better.

Unknown said...

I love that quote so much. It really means so much to me and I'm glad you have it in your header!

Thanks for the congrats - getting there! :)

financecupcake said...

Hey, there! Wow, we really do have a lot in common! I enjoyed the grocery store story, Miss Skinny Pants. Nice job on the 1.6-pound loss this week!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Christina! We really do have a lot in common :)