Friday, January 3, 2014

Easy Sweet Potato Hash with Prosciutto: Paleo and Whole30 compliant

On Day 1 of my Whole 30 journey, I decided to try to make hash with sweet potatoes to go with my morning eggs. You can check out my entire first day in this blog post.

sorry for the blurry picture - I'm no food blogger
Now I actually could just eat a sweet potato on it's own with a little ghee but my husband is not a big sweet potato fan so I knew to sell him on it I would have to get a little creative. But with limited time, it couldn't be too much to do.

I came up with this concoction and it was pretty yum-o and even got my husband to enjoy sweet potatoes!

6 minute sweet potato hash

1 medium or large sweet potato
1/2 of a small onion chopped
1 piece of whole30 compliant prosciutto or bacon. (I used prosciutto the ingredients were pork and sea salt)
1 tablespoon of ghee (or olive oil/coconut oil - I have to say the ghee made it soooo yummy)
salt and pepper to taste

Soften sweet potato in the microwave 3 - 4 minutes. Meanwhile heat ghee up in a pan, when hot, tear (or slice) the prosciutto into small pieces and add it to the hot pan of ghee stir in onions and turn down heat. Split the sweet potato open (it'll be hot!) scoop the sweet potato out of the skin and cube. I used a clean dish towel to help handle the super hot potato. Add the potato to the pan and season with salt and pepper. Stir it with the onions, ghee and prosciutto for a minute or two and serve.

I split this between my husband and I but I could probably eat the whole thing by myself if I was really hungry.


This morning I added about a cup of baby spinach to the mix right before adding the potatoes - I let the spinach wilt (about a minute or two) and I also sprinkled about a half of tsp of dry sage on top with the salt and pepper. I really liked it this way.

With baby spinach
This morning I avoided having to play "hot potato" and stuck the potato in the microwave as soon as I woke up. It then had about 10 minutes to cool and it was much easier to handle.




Elle said...

Good luck with your Whole 30 - I am doing another one right now too. Love PALEO and so glad I did my first Whole 30 LAST January. It really agrees with me. Hope you have good results too!

Unknown said...

Thanks Elle! I had never even heard of the program until a few weeks ago when my running coach and friend recommended the book. So far, I'm liking it.