Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Stop fat-bashing Kim Kardashian

Stop fat-bashing Kim Kardashian already.

Seriously. Just stop.

I'm sick of looking at magazine covers and seeing them beat up Kim. Really. It's not cool.

No. I am not a fan. I don't even watch the show. (Well, there was that one rainy Sunday where I got sucked into a season marathon of episodes but that's not the point.)

I think it's absolutely disgusting that we are picking on a pregnant woman. I mean this is a girl so scrutinized in public for so many years and so used to having to meticulously worry about her diet that I wouldn't be surprised if she did let a little loose now that she's eating for two. I know I did. Many women do when they are having a baby. Is it necessary to make a villain of her because she's been having a few cravings?

I regretted my decisions to over-indulge because I faced gestational diabetes and the daunting challenge of taking it all off and Kim may or may not have the same challenges.

Yeah, yeah. She "reaps what she sows." Yeah, yeah - she "signed up for it" when she decided to become a celebrity but can't we as people have a little more class for a mother-to-be? Can't we imagine ourselves or our mothers, sisters or friends in her shoes and have a little compassion? I am sure that any pregnant woman with a changing body and tons of hormones surging that a little less cattiness and a little more kindness would be welcomed.

I don't know why it bothers me so much. Perhaps it's because, I was Kim Kardashian. I watched my body become something I wasn't familiar with and I battled with my own emotions of feeling out-of-control, insecure and not comfortable in my skin even though I was thrilled to be carrying my precious child. I don't know if I could've handled one person saying an unkind thing to me about my weight, never mind being publicly beat up on magazine covers. It just doesn't seem cool to take cheap shots at a woman's weight for any reason but particularly when she's pregnant and nourishing a baby.

Did you struggle with body issues when pregnant? How hard was it for you take off the weight? Do you think Kim is getting beat up or getting what she deserves?



Frickin' Fabulous at 40 said...

I unfortunately was obese during both my pregnancies. This led to pregnancy-induced hypertension, which put me on bed rest both times. Not so bad the first time, but try having a 20 month old toddler boy when you're supposed to be "resting." I look back and I'm sad because you couldn't really tell I was pregnant with Charlie because I was big already, and with Chelsea, I just got bigger. My weight and the high b.p. was also why Charlie came 5 weeks early. If I had this all to do over again, I would have gotten my sh*t together sooner! 24 hour urine tests aren't fun, no matter how much you would THINK they would be! ;)

Michael said...

I agree. I'm not a fan of hers at all, as a matter of fact I really don't care for her much at all....but they don't have to ridicule the poor woman. She's pregnant, it's ok to put on some weight.

The Unexpected Runner said...

Agreed. I was definitely NOT one of those women that had a cute little basketball tummy up front! I was prego all over! Lol!

Courtney said...

Amen and amen. Well said!

Kathryn Clark said...

Very well said. I've never been pregnant so I don't know about that part of it, but as a female I sure know about body issues and being self conscious. We all have our struggles and we are very aware of them - it doesn't matter who you are. No one needs someone else pointing them out. I've been there and it makes you that much more self conscious.

Kate Geisen said...

Agreed! I gained plenty with all three of my pregnancies. I'm tall, so it wasn't as glaring as on a short person, but it was still obvious. During my third (and only planned) pregnancy, I really enjoyed getting to wear clothes that fit comfortably and kind of loved the fact that I was *supposed* to be round. No sucking in necessary! :)

There are a lot of perks to being a celebrity for sure, but the relentless attention and judgement would NOT be one of them.