
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sh*t runners NEVER say

As I was writing yesterday's post "Sh*t runners say" I realized that there are even more things us runners would NEVER say.

Sh*t runners never say:

  1. 25.2 already? Damn, only one more mile.
  2. No, no. I don't want the medal - running was its own reward.
  3. I'm not hungry.
  4. I like being the slowest in the group.
  5. I really hope I don't PR this time.
  6. What does BQ mean? 
  7. I decided to race without my Garmin.
  8. One pair of sneakers are plenty.
  9. How many miles is this marathon?
  10. I'd rather be walking.
  11. This sport would be so much easier if it was all uphill.
  12. Can you pass me my jean jacket - going for a run.
  13. Nothing sucks more than crossing a finish line.
  14. I hope there are a bunch of dogs off their leashes at the park today!
  15. Oh, how fun. An ice storm.
  16. I'm so glad I had the burrito and hot wings before this 16 miler. Great call.
  17. I hope I "pants my poop" this time ;)
  18. Awesome! I'm injured - now I get to rest for a few weeks!
  19. Thank God for the wall of walkers in front of me, now I can slow down.
  20. Woot! I just ran thru a pile of dog poop - It's my lucky day.
Now I'm sure I'm missing at least 20 more so bring on your own 'sh*t us runners would NEVER say' in the comments below!

Have a great day!



  1. If found passed out before the finish reset my Garmin and leave me where I am!

  2. These are great! I'll add, "I was hoping for this headwind!"

  3. hahaha good ones - Miss Zippy - it's so true… I love this feeling of running in place!

  4. I had to go watch the "Pants my Poop" video. That is hilarious!!

  5. "pants my poop" is a favorite saying between Ward and I when we leave for our long runs! That video is hilarious!!! and I love you list.

  6. This humidity is awesome - breathing is SO easy.

  7. YES! 25° with 25 MPH wind to feel like 9° makes for an awesome run!

  8. Good ones!! Thanks for stopping by :)

  9. You are funny! That picture is priceless.

  10. I just won a marathon! Woohoo! Time for a victory lap!

    There's nothing sexier than a cute girl... ponytail bouncing as she runs... long, lean legs... short shorts... blowing giant snot rockets...

    Time to put together a playlist for my next race. Hhmm... which Yanni songs should I pick to give me a boost during the last few miles?

    Wait - did that person on the side of the road just yell "Run, Forrest!" at me? That's awesome! I've never heard that one before!

  11. Ok, the DNF video made me sob, I mean UGLY cry. This one had me crying tears of laughter!! Thank you!

  12. I don't need to buy any new gear.

    I really hope that those truckers catcall at me.

    I always feel bad after a run.
