Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 ING New York City Marathon lottery - Registration is open!


Just registered for the 2012 ING New York City Marathon lottery and so excited and hopeful about getting in :)

WOOOO HOOOOO - Gotta be in it to win it

In case you were interested in giving a go - here's the link to register.  Good luck!

What's your dream marathon?

Have you ever run NYC? Do you hope to someday?



sarah said...

I thought about it. But I'm not ready for that yet. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Ran NYC last year and it was amazing. I just re-entered and hope to do it again! One day though, I would love to run the London Marathon.

Teamarcia said...

I got in the 'pool' last year. May 2012 be the year for both of us!
NYC is definitely a bucket lister for me.

misszippy said...

Going against the grain here--I can get in w/ a 1/2 marathon time and skip the lottery. My friends are all doing it. But I just don't want to. I know, what's wrong with me??

Good luck to you!

Heather said...

ME TOO! Fingers Crossed!

Jo said...

Wow I hope you get in! That would be too awesome.

Caroline said...

I would love to do it!
would be a good 1st one right?!

yes come do Hollywood!!!!
nice medal!!!

Mandy said...

I just registered for the lottery myself! I hope we both get in!

Sara said...

Good luck! Good luck! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you - and toes! ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks all! For those of you going for it too - hope to see you at the finish line! :D

ShutUpandRun said...

I hope you get in; I seriously thought about it but gagged a bit at the $250 entry fee. I'm still on the fence, might be too late now.

Unknown said...

Ha - SUAR - I hear you! The race fee is STEEP. I guess since I live 20 mins from the city it's a little less awful since I don't have to worry about lodging and stuff.

I don't think it's too late - you have until April to throw your name in.

Jacky said...

Good luck on the lottery. NYC is my dream marathon and I finally get to do it this year thanks to the 3x rejection rule. So excited, and frightened. :)