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I warn you that I'm entirely too fired up over this nonsense. I mean it's a reality show. Who gives a crap? Apparently I do.
If you haven't watched yesterday's Biggest Loser episode yet then I would say stop reading and come back when you're done.
For those who don't watch the show at all, here is what happened in a nut-shell. The five remaining contestants 'caught wind' that eliminated contestants were going to be invited back to the ranch for their chance to compete for the Biggest Loser title.
Apparently, these contestants got a bug up their asses about it and decided that they would quit the show rather than have to compete against eliminated contestants.
They cried, "Not fair!" "They weren't here!" "We don't want them back!" And were against this "unfair" twist.
I say. Boo fucking hoo.
REALLY? It's not fair?
This is the season of "no excuses." It shouldn't bother you who they bring back to the ranch. Focus ON YOU. This is The Biggest Loser, a reality/GAME show. There's all kinds of f'ed up twists and turns, that's what makes it - say it with me - ENTERTAINMENT -- You sign up for the chance to win a big prize and in the process, these folks SAVE YOUR LIFE. It's a trade-off. They give you the tools, focus, attention, food, training and resources to lose 100+ pounds. That is an opportunity that millions would kill for, but you, spoiled contestants - pout and take your ball off the playground as soon as you don't like the rules of the game.
It's UNFAIR of you to leave just because you don't like a twist or turn.
There's lots of unfair things about the show. It's unfair that the boys usually have an easier time losing weight or that many of the challenges are easier for men with upper-body strength. It's unfair that sometimes those who work the hardest get voted off early because their hard work didn't show up at the scale. It's unfair that guys in their 60's have to compete against kids in their early 20's, it's unfair that sometimes the ones who need to be there the most, go home the soonest… It's unfair that women have to deal with periods, cramps and extra bloating -- everything is freaking unfair. Suck it up, buttercups.
Ultimately only two out of the five left - the remaining 3 decided to stick it out.
Shame on you two for taking advantage of the process, happily losing all the weight you wanted, getting the benefit of makeover week, getting the opportunity of a lifetime to visit the White House and meet the First Lady and then ungratefully leaving. Someone else would've killed for your spot.
So that's my two cents.
Did you see the show? What are your thoughts?
I know this is a complete over-reaction by the way. I am well aware that my own obsession about this episode makes me slightly psycho but that's how I roll. At least I admit I have a problem.
I think it's hilarious that all of them signed a contract that explicitly stated this WOULD happen.
haha! and YES - that too Rose! I mean come on. Oh, Rose, don't get me started again. lol ;)
This entire season has been a bust. The "No excuses" crew has done nothing but bitch and moan and make excuses.
The most amazing part of last night's episode, to me, was when they individually had to meet with the show's lawyer to explain why they wanted to leave. Telling the lawyer that they didn't think the former contestants were definitely coming back, only to have the lawyer read them the section of the contract they signed that said, in fact, former contestants were definitely coming back, just underscored how clueless these people are.
They didn't bother to find out what they were getting themselves in for ahead of time, and have done nothing but moan when things haven't gone as they expected.
I was steaming while watching this episode. I was thinking the same things you were. Hello, it is a game show on t.v. what do they expect? The ones who left should be held in breach of contract. They better not get to compete for the at-home prize.
Disclaimer: I have not actually seen the episode. I was a regular viewer the first several seasons, and then it started conflicting with other shows I wanted to watch.
That said....
As if the contract explicitly stating that former contestants would be coming back wasn't enough, I would have thought it wouldn't be much of a surprise, since previous seasons have had 1 or more contestants return to the ranch for the final weeks before they all go home.
Did these people not watch the show in addition to not reading the contract?
I don't watch the show, but I think the biggest looooosers left. Loved seeing your blog, Jen, you rant and rave just like I do! It amazes me that no matter how far they might have come, people are still just stupid. With a work ethic and attitude like that - is it any wonder they haven't had success losing weight before? If I would have given up because it's not fair, I wouldn't have lost 65 lb and "only" have another 40 to go! It's not fair that it's easier for some people and not fair that some people NEVER have to worry about their weight. Oh, well! Life is not necessarily fair. But it's still good! Love your blog, Jen! - Natalie
LOVE your post! I'm so glad to see other rant and rave at the stupidity of some people. I'm just not brave enough to put it up on my blog {blush}
I haven't watched the show since my cousin was on it or the several seasons beforehand. I got tired of the backstabbing and stupidity.
Wow I love you guys. I'm so comforted in the fact that I am not alone in this! hahaha! There are many contestants that I've absolutely loved along the way and thank goodness that dreamy Dolvett is still on the show ;)
Book Dragon, now you know you can't just drop in, "since my cousin was on the show" and not make me drool with wonder to who was your cuz!? ;)
We didn't watch it last night, but I will say that I am just about done with this year with all their excuses on no excuses show.
Suck it up, buttercups.
That is the best line.....isn't it?
I assume they are not going to be allowed to come back now right?! I would have loved to have seen how Jillian would have responded to all the nonsense last night!!
LOL - Jason, wonder where I got that line from? ;)
For real Christine! Jillian would've lost her shit. They shouldn't be allowed to come back. F them.
I wrote something similar a little over a month ago. I have since then kinda forgot about the show...
I had the same rant Jen! This season has been a real bust and last night was the topper. The whole contract review with the lawyer was priceless - hello people did you not pay attention to what you were signing!?!? OK...don't get me started!
I totally agree with you! Have these people never seen the show before? Don't they know that THERE IS ALWAYS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR AN ELIMINATED PLAYER TO COME BACK???? Honestly, I wish they had gotten rid of all of them (except maybe Kim--the reports of this when it happened only said that the green team and the two men were actually planning to leave) and brought back the same number of eliminated players to replace them. Ugh!
Thanks Michelle and Melinda - I just don't get it. I totally agree!!
Valiant - I'm gonna go check out your post!
Ha! I agree with all the other comments.
This is the first season where I dislike many of the contestants.
Pansies, the lot of 'em.
I admit - the contract part was my favorite part too.
Totally agree! I mean what about Chism? I was devasted when he got voted off and for Mark to just walk off when things didn't go his way! I would have loved for Chism to have had another chance. I also so agree with the comments that this season has been nothing but excuses. And Conda, can't stand her whining all the time!!
I echo the contract thing... read your contract!
And aside from that, why ruin your chances to win the money because you don't want someone to come back. They are coming back anyway, and you have walked away from the possibily of winning a lot of money (not just 1st place gets paid).
Just plain silly and self-sabotaging.
And NO, once you quit, you are out of any chance at prizes at the end. You are done. As it should be.
My cousin, and her daughter was the Pink Team....Deni won the "I worked my ass off at home" money.
Thanks all - wow, everyone really is as fired up as me this season! whew! :)
Very cool book dragon! I loved them both and they both looked gorgeous and healthy at the finale!
You summed this all up so well!!
I couldn't take it when Mark said that he watched the show and this had never happened before when it has happened pretty much every season!
And I loved when Jeremy totally got schooled by the NBC attorney.
This season's group has definitely been the worst. I'm ready to move on the next!
This is the first season of the Biggest Loser I have watched consistently. While I love the fact they are losing weight and getting healthier, I hate how so many of them are whining all the time and creating cliques.
Regardless of if people are coming back or not, they just need to focus on THEM. Just because someone else may get a chance to win doesn't mean that they lose anything. They are gaining back their HEALTH and CONFIDENCE which is so much more important than money!!!
Conda has always annoyed me. I am disappointed in Buddy and Mark acting like this. I liked Chism was more than Jeremy, always. Kim grew on me but she bothered me sometimes. But here's the thing... as the "TOP FIVE" they all seemed to gain a sense of self-entitlement. Wanting to compete with people who "deserve" it? Some people were unfairly voted off because of ridiculous alliances, or misunderstandings.
As someone who hasn't watched past season, I *expected* a ridiculous turn of events and I am disappointed that these people who have EVERYTHING given to them--personal TRAINERS, a kitchen stocked with food, professional gyms, time off from work and home to focus just on themselves--they are going to throw it all away because they are hurt over something that was disclosed to them in the very beginning and they simply failed to read the contract properly.
It's just another example of you might have the weight off, but that doesn't mean the baggage that got you there isn't fixed.
I'm not saying that the two contestants who left will gain the weight back, I sure hope they don't! But, I agree with you, worry about yourself! You can't focus on the fairness of a game. You can't control that or worry about it. Just worry about yourself.
I really would have loved to have seen Buddy and Mark talk to the lawyer. Too bad they didn't, that could have been entertaining.
Mandy - "self-entitled" that hit it right on the head and I think that's what made me so angry. How dare you think you have the right to dictate the show and tell other people who were probably soooo elated to get one more shot that they aren't good enough. Not as good as you. And yeah. This crop of players were annoying from the get-go.
Josher - you are so right. And I agree - I would wish on no one bad health and regained weight but if you can't even roll with the punches and deal on a reality show that is saving your life - then I'm worried about how you'll handle the every day "unfair" things.
I have never watched the show but I think I would be equally annoyed....if not more so. I don't believe anyone should ever take anything for granted and that we should appreciate the blessings in life. My goodness....I would love to have a team guiding my fitness! And for them to get this benefit is the biggest blessing in life!
This season has gotten on my nerves! Way too clique-ish and Conda b*tching about everything got old really fast. ....but I still watched this train wreck. This week made me so mad though, I agree with what everyone else has said. This happens EVERY SINGLE SEASON. How ungrateful - their reasoning was that the at-home person doesn't deserve it because they haven't been at the ranch. UGH! I do kind of want to know the back story - like who was the ring leader in this protest and how do they feel about their decision now.
Running Mom - I agree. I really get irritated with people who complain when they should be counting their blessings. Being on the Biggest Loser and getting the opportunity to save your life is a blessing. period.
And yes, Karen, I'm with you - would love to know who the ring leader of that mess was!
I couldn't read this post until I watched the 3 episodes I was behind!! I am a yeller and I was SCREAMING at the tv. They already had 2 people come back and they managed to make their lives miserable and get rid of them. What REALLY gets me, what REALLY gets my goat is that 1). they should all know reality tv and the BL by now 2). they signed an f-ing contract- did they not read it? and 3). if THEY were the voted off contestants they would be laying on their pillow every night hoping and praying that they were given a chance to come back!!! And Mark?!? What an ass! He wanted to leave in place of his son Chism (who the f names their kid something that rhymes with jism???!!!) and now he doesn't want to afford him the chance to come back! DICK!
And then there's Conda (I have a new name for her and it rhymes with Hunta). She's crying that Jeremy deserves to be in the finale NOT Kim!!! UGH!!!! He kept throwing challenges for her, giving her his prizes... WTF? THAT'S why he's not in the finale! He was more focused on her and NOT himself!
Should I have written my own post on this topic?
Oh, and i hope to God we don't see those two asses at the finale! They don't deserve to try for the at-home prize! "THAT'S NOT FAIR!" They lose all their weight at home and then stroll in to win $100k...
Linda: Best. Comment. Ever. Dying.
Didn't Ramon win the marathon last season to earn a spot at the finale? That was just last season! How quick they forget!
hmmm - yeah! I think you are right!
Not to mention you know that by leaving the have voided all right to any and all prizes they recieved while on the show. Meaning the food bank chanllenge that Mark one would no longer go to his community. To me knowing that and still leaving just shows how selfish these people are. I lost the weight and thats all I cared about so screw you and thanks for nothing... To me it is just another example of how sadly self involved this country is getting. It's not fair so I quit. LIFE ISN'T FAIR!!! get over it!!!! Just worry about working hard and putting in the work and at the end of the day you will come out on top. Why do people not get that????
Oh wow, Mrs. Happy - i didn't even think about the forfeiting of the food bank challenge. That's just horrible.
That was the first thing I thought when they walked off the ranch, they were giving up their shot at $250K to have little bitch fits! I would've LOVED to hear their spouses reactions when they found out what they did after being gone for 4 months! So incredibly stupid and full of themselves. They acted like they were taking a big stand against something horrible. Good post Jen, I'm new to your blog and am enjoying reading it.
Thanks! And welcome to my blog! hope you'll stick around :)
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